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SAP-10 (3D)

ATS12 is the world’s most advanced Antenna Communication Training and Measurement Lab. It is the world’s first Complete 3D measurement training system providing True 3D pattern of an antenna. ATS12 complies with IEEE Std 149-1979, “Test Procedure for Antennas”. The complete setup requires minimum space and can be used as a benchtop system.

The complete setup consists of:​​​​​

  • USB powered calibrated software-controlled Vector Signal Generator and a calibrated software-controlled Vector Signal Analyzer

  • Software-controlled 3D positioner with very low RCS

  • Linux based Data Visualization and Management Software

  • More than 30 different antennas consisting of narrowband, broadband, directional, Omni-directional and different polarizations

Broadband calibrated reference antenna for gain measurement and broadband directional coupler for return loss measurement

The setup works as a spectrum analyzer, vector signal source, and vector signal analyzer. It Covers broadcast television, satellite TV communication. Future-ready from simple FM to QPSK, QAM standard to whatever future may hold.


Product Brochure


  • 30 MHz-20GHz Antenna Communication Training & Measurement Lab with 30 antennas
  • Fully Software controlled RF Transceiver with customizable frequency and power
  • Software-controlled 3D positioner along 3D plotting and measurement software
  • Transmit and receive any waveform, any modulation, any frequency, any protocol using any antenna
  • Calibrated Signal Generator with precise power, frequency
  • Calibrated Spectrum Analyser with precise power, frequency
  • Directional Coupler & Coaxial Slotted line for Return loss, VSWR plotting
  • -10dBm Transmit power & -100dBm Sensitivity Receiver
  • All SMA connector antennas with RG316 cables
  • Works seamlessly with Linux GNURadio, MATLAB, C++ and Python
  • Open-licensing of experimentation and study material with No recurring cost!
  • The latest generation of ASIC architecture with integrated LNA, PA, RX/TX Mixers, PLL, Synthesizers, RX/TX Filters, RX Gain control, TX power control
  • Support for TDD and FDD configuration
  • Highly stable +/- 250 ppb TCXO
  • Modulation Bandwidth Programmable upto 30 MHz
  • Supports both TDD &FDD Full Duplex upto 30MHz


  • Establishing a complete RF link with point-to-point connectivity
  • RF Link budgeting and calculations
  • 3D Antenna Radiation Pattern measurement with Data Visualization and Management Software
  • Measurement of Antenna Gain parameter and other characteristics
  • Experimentation with more than 20 different types of antennas
  • Experiments covering practical impairments such as Doppler shift
  • Simultaneous visualization in time and frequency domain of received signal for a practical approach
  • Custom waveform transmission with 28 MHz of instantaneous bandwidth for advanced experimentation and research such as LTE
  • Completely configurable frequency range from 30 MHz to 20 GHz can be used for RF path loss and other practical measurements
  • VSWR and Return Loss measurement of antennas with a broadband directional coupler
  • Vertical, Horizontal and Circularly polarized antenna
  • Polarization discrimination of Linear and Circular antennas
  • Resonant and non-resonant antenna
  • Reciprocity of antenna
  • The current distribution of antennas and comparative study of antenna                                                     
  • EM simulation results of all the antennas included for practical verification
  • Practical Verification of antennas working in Quad-band GSM, 20 bands of 3G, 40 bands of LTE, GPS, GNSS, Wi-Fi, CDMA and applications such as IoT
  • Can be upgraded and daisy-chained for MIMO antenna measurement